I am an entrepreneur from Verona. My company is 50 km far away from the epicenter of the Emilia-Romagna-earthquake and fortunately has no physical damages.
On the other hand Intenda has had economical and emotional damages, since many of our collaborators and customers come from the region struck by the earthquake.
After having visited them, I thought: “Why don’t give them the possibility to live in more comfortable and resistant structures?” So, helped by some partners and suppliers like F.lli Giovanardi, Sepal and Nece, on Friday, the 8th of June we donated the first structure to one of the city struck by the earthquake: 20m length, 6m width, 2,60m height, with escape hatches, doors and windows.
On Thursday and Friday, the 14th and 15th of June the second and third structure have been assembled in two other cities, where a place to sleep and live was needed.
This is a little but concrete help because if it had happened to me, receiving support and solidarity would help me to stand up again.
Gianfranco Creston