It has already been more than a month since the “Finale Emilia 2” structure was installed in Mercadello to help people, who lived there (June 14, 2012). On Thursday, 19th July, we found out that the situation improved, as the Finale Emilia 2 structure had been empty for several days.
For this reason, our company has decided, together with those who have dealt with finding a suitable place for the installation, to bring, always free of charge, the structure to another place in the Modena area, in order to be able to donate accommodation to other people who still did not have a place to live. “We did our duty: it seems that the Finals are slowly recovering, but other people in neighboring countries have not been as lucky. Bringing the structure where it is most necessary seems to be the least that can be done ”- these are the words of Gianfranco Creston to the people, who asked him to justify his choice.
The town chosen to receive the structure is S.Antonio in Mercadello, in the province of Modena: we can document what is described with the first shots taken by Creston himself. A special thanks goes to the diligence of Marchetti Tendaggi, an Intenda customer, who is and was very active on the solidarity front since the first hours following the first earthquake of 20th May 2012.
Video and photographs of the intervention
Molti media stanno parlando di questa iniziativa promossa da Intenda e sostenuta da alcune aziende della zona. Questi sono alcuni riferimenti agli articoli pubblicati. Seguiranno ulteriori aggiornamenti.
- Article in “Economia Nordest” (supplement of “Il Giornale”) of 14/07/201 Il Veneto è Intenda, tra i terremotati per ripartire
- Article in “NewsCamp” of 10/07/2012: InTenda, un aiuto concreto ai terremotati
- Article in ‘Verona Fedele’ of 06/07/2012: Imprenditore dona tre tendopoli ai terremotati emiliani
- Article in ‘Modena Today’ of 02/07/2012: https://www.modenatoday.it/economia/intenda-insieme-per-emilia-terremoto.html
- Radio interview with Gianfranco Creston on “Radio RCS” on 30 June at 10.45 a.m.: (ascolta l’intervista)
- Article in “www.tendain.it” of 29/06/2012: Insieme per l’Emilia
- Article in ‘L’arena di Verona’ of 24 June 2012: Scarica la versione PDF
- Radio interview with Gianfranco Creston on the 19.45 news of “Radioverona” on 22/06/2012:(ascolta la versione integrale)
- Radio interview with Gianfranco Creston on “Radio Pico” 22/06/2012 at 10:30 a.m.(ascolta l’intervista)
- Radio interview with Gianfranco Creston on “Radio Adige” 21/06/2012 at 16:35: (ascolta l’intervista)
- Article in the ‘Gazzetta di Modena’ of 20/06/2012: Azienda dona tre maxi tensostrutture
- Article in “Finalenews24.it” of 16/06/2012: Solidarietà, un imprenditore veneto dona 3 tensostrutture
- Video posted on Veronasera.it on 15/06/2012: Aziende veronesi in aiuto delle popolazioni colpide dal terremoto, il video
- Article in “Veronaoggi.it” of 14/06/2012: Solidarietà ai terremotati in Emilia: 3 strutture donate da un’azienda
- Article in “Bologna2000” of 12/06/2012: Dal Veneto solidarietà ai terremotati in Emilia Romagna
- Article on “Sassuolo2000.it” of 12/06/2012: Dal Veneto solidarietà ai terremotati in Emilia Romagna
- Article on “Modena2000.it” of 12/06/2012: Dal Veneto solidarietà ai terremotati in Emilia Romagna
- Article in “Ferraranotizie.com” of 12/06/2012: Solidarietà ai terremotati in Emilia Romagna
- Article in “Comunicativamente” of 12/06/2012: Solidarietà ai terremotati in Emilia
- Article on “Veronasera.it” of 11/06/2012: Comunicato Stampa inviato da Gianfranco Creston
- Article in “Verona sera” of 07/06/2012: Imprenditori Veneti in Emilia per beneficenza